Eberybody has the right to seek and to engoy asylum from persecition in other countries, in case of war or another policial reason. 

Refugers have to be trated equal and fair like the rest of the people.
Than an more 30 milions special help when they arribed in another country with language, a place to live and money.


-What was the Berlin Wall?

It was a Wall that separated the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic.

-When did it fall?

On the 9th of November oh 1989

-What century did South America get the independence?
America get the independence in 19th

-Who led South America to independence?

Simon Boliviar

-Who was the header to Indian independence? -Who led South America to Independence?


-What year did finish the apartheid? In wich century was the apartheid?

-Which cultures practised human sacrifice?

Inquisition, fati and others

-Why don’t these cultures religions have the basic human rights?
Because it contradicts the human right to life

-How many years was the apartheid in South Africa?
Fourty Three

-Why did North America fight against UK?

Because they wants their independence

-What happened in 1776 in North America?

There was a Revolution

-Who was Karl Marx?

A men who hopes the communism and the power and rights to the people

-Explain an important thing done by Karl Marx.
He was hopes the communism and the power and rights to the people

-When did the Americans consider slaves to be people?
In 1842

-What was the name of the ship where the slaves rebelled?
It was called Amistad

-How many slaves rebelled?


-Where were the Africans sent?

To Americas to work

-Why were the Africans sent to America?

Because the Americans nedded people to work

-In which century were the Africans sent to America?
In the 16th

-What did Antigone do?

She disobey the king

-Why did Antigone disobey the King?

To give to her brother a decent burial

-Who signed the universal declaration of human rights?
It was signed by the UN

-In what year was signed the universal declaration of human rights?
In 1948

-Who a chived their authority by birth?

The kings and the tribal chiefs

-For what did use their powers?

To usurp the natural rights of people

-What century did the court of law write down the defence of human rights?

-What was the apartheid?

A dividation of the South Americans in two classes

-Which was the cause of the American civil war?
Because there was an excessive slavery

-What was slavery?

Slavery was a system in which people were the property of others.

-Where did slavery exist?

Yes, it was

-When did women get the rights to vote?

On 1991